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†NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. Must be legal drinking age and a resident of Newfoundland. Contest closes on March 1st, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. AST . One (1) prize available to be won, consisting of one (1) trip to Toronto, Ontario for a NBA game experience for one (1) contest winner and one (1) guest (total of two (2) people), including return economy airfare between St. John’s, Newfoundland and Toronto, two (2) tickets to the April 2, 2024 NBA game (seats to be selected by Contest Sponsor), two (2) nights hotel accommodation at hotel selected by Contest Sponsor, and $1000 CAD spending money allowance (payable to contest winner only in form of etransfer or pre-paid credit card at contest sponsor discretion) and taxes on includes services, (the “Prize”). Dates of travel are Monday, April 1st to Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024, and contest winner and guest must be available to travel at any time on those dates. Approximate retail value is $6000 CAD and is not redeemable in whole or part for cash, nor transferrable. Contest Sponsor reserves right to substitute prize of equal or greater value at their sole discretion. Contest winner is responsible for all expenses not specifically described as part of the prize. Valid travel documents required at time of travel. Alcohol is not a part of the prize. Maximum of one (1) entry per person, per day. Odds of winning depend on the total number of eligible entries. Skill-testing question required. For full contest rules and prize details, visit: https://www.shopbeergear.ca/ETWNBAGAMERULES ®/MD ANHEUSER-BUSCH, LLC. ST. LOUIS, MO., LIC. USE / SOUS LIC.